Electricity on-selling to your tenants is an industry best practice

The asset owner has a significant investment in the electricity infrastructure, and a properly configured private electricity network enables the owner to secure a return on that investment from a reliable annuity stream.

By on-selling electricity to tenants, centre owners can add to the revenue stream of the centre and ultimately contributing to its asset valuation.

The WINconnect philosophy is to help owners maximise the operational efficiency of a site whilst ensuring equitable billing and power of choice for SME consumers.


WINconnect - Get An Embedded Network - Owners Corporation - Generic Icon


On-selling optimisation through solar generation offers increased rental income whereby we enter into a lease agreement with centre management to populate the rooftop with solar panels.  The sustainably-generated power can then be fed into the behind the meter network and on-sold with the power from the grid.

WINconnect - Conversions and Retrofits

Conversions and Retrofits

The process of converting existing infrastructure (e.g. shopping centres, commercial/industrial complexes) to private networks, commonly referred to as ‘brownfield conversions’, is a challenging operation. We partner with a team of preferred supplier organisations (registered electrical contractors) who’ve been schooled in the nuances of such conversions. Much of our ‘can do’ intellectual property resides in project planning for the re-metering of shopping centres.

Tenants are more than happy to sign up with WINconnect when the conversion project progresses, as many are part of nationally-owned, mini-major chains that already receive WINconnect bills and are familiar with our service and value. Individual speciality stores appreciate the centre management’s initiative to invest in infrastructure that will provide them with sustainably cheaper power.

WINconnect - EMS Billing Agency

EMS Billing Agency

Our South Australian based EMS team deliver affordable billing services (arguably the best value in the market) to managers of commercial buildings and shopping centres in all geographies.

If you have an existing network, we can audit and transition it to our EMS tariff engine for a fraction of your current costs.  We can even provide a feasibility study at no cost.  Once converted, you can look forward to a guaranteed and secure revenue stream.

WINconnect - WENOA Optimisation Audits

WENOA Optimisation Audits

If you operate a community energy network, you want to ensure that every electron is accounted for. WINconnect brings to the market an audit service delivered from our extensive operational experience. We can account for every kWh consumed within the shopping centre by identifying all non-technical network losses.

WINconnect - Customer Management

Customer Management

As a fully licenced market participant and energy retailer, WINconnect  must necessarily comply with the provisions of the National Energy Customer Framework. Our billing, collections and  customer relationship management activities are designed to meet these rigorous requirements.

Some shopping centre owners only use a billing agency, with centre management taking care of meter-reading, collections and customer management. The pending AEMO rule changes will demand a higher level of customer protection requiring some shopping centres to improve their energy on-selling procedures and to achieve Embedded Network Management accreditation with AEMO.

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Our friendly Customer Service team are happy to assist.

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1300 791 970

Monday – Friday
Between 8am – 6pm (AEST)

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